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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Halibut & Veggie Delight

Tonites dinner comes as a quick and healthy recipe, as we are leaving to Hawaii in 3 days and I have LOTS to do! My husband and his friends went on an Alaska fishing trip this past summer right before our wedding, and we still have some fresh Alaskan Halibut and Salmon in the freezer- So far Margaret makes the best Halibut hands down, but I keep trying to emmulate her! So here is for a try at a new method referred by friend and neighbor Anai-I.

Baked Halibut and Veggie Delight


· Halibut
· Zuchinni
· fresh diced tomatoes
· chopped onions
· minced shallots
· salt and pepper to taste
· fresh basil
· olive oil
· garlic

Heat oven to 400. Place fish in parchment paper, add vegetables, oil and seasoning, which I like to do in a ziploc bag to evenly coat the vegetables. Twist the ends of the paper like a tootsie roll, place the packets on a baking sheet and bake until the paper turns brown around the edges and puffs up; Approximately 12-15 minutes. Carefully cut an X in the top of each to allow steam to escape. Can also be baked on the grill.

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